
All equipment enquiries please contact Leandri van Schalkwyk

To help us maintain a good standard of equipment for all our teams to use managers should follow the recommendations below:

During the Season

  • Bibs are dry when left in plastic bag or kit bag. (to avoid mould appearing on bibs)
  • Regularly empty Bags out of dirt, bark, band aids, rubbish etc.
  • Balls: Do not over inflate balls.   Usual pressure for balls recommended by Gilbert is 9.5 PS.I. (on some balls there is a psi amt written on the ball).  Balls will need checking at regular intervals. If possible use a lubricant on inflation needle such as silicone glycerine or even a drop of dishwashing liquid. If very dirty after a game give it a wipe over.  Do not kick, stand or sit on them. It leads to warped netball & broken stitching. There is an electric pump for all teams to use at the Canoon Rd courts at main building near the umpires check in.
  • Check before leaving training court or Saturday game courts that all equipment is accounted for (saves trying to locate gear at end season).

End of Season


  • The manager is to return both match bag & training bag. Please organise this with the coach of your team.
  • Bibs are to be washed & dried. Checking that all are there.
  • Check you have all the balls that your team started the season with.
  • Wipe all balls over to remove dirt (good jobs for the kids).
  • Mark any balls that have consistently gone flat or have other problems. (Put them in a shopping bag in the kit bag)
  • If bags are dirty give them a quick wipe & shake dirt out of the inside of them.
  • Bags should only have what was given out at beginning of season. Please remove items such as ribbons, drink bottles, papers & team registration sheets.
  • Check you have all items that your team may have used during practice sessions (liaise with your coach) e.g cones, whistles, ladders. Etc.