St Ives Netball Managers

Welcome to the St Ives Netball Managers community!

All umpiring enquiries please contact Sandra Yeomans


The manager offers support to the coach and is the point of contact for the team.  The Club will communicate important information to the manager from time to time, and the manager should then forward this onto the team, usually by email or ‘Team App’ (if you are using this).  There are times where a text message is the most efficient means of communication ie. in the case of cancellation of training or the Saturday game. The coach may also ask the manager to send some emails to the players.

Score Sheets

The manager should check the draw on the KNA website.  If the draw reads STI vs XX then we are the home team and this means the manager needs to collect the score sheet from the complex before the game.

Scoresheets have team member’s names printed on them.  Players will be required to sign next to their name. If their name does not appear this will be because they have not been registered in the team or are a late registration and should appear the following week.  Either way, contact the club registrar for clarification. A sample laminated signature sheet will be given to the manager to use as a guide for signatures throughout the season.

It is the responsibility of the scorers to check signatures of the opposition team.  Each team should provide a signature sheet to the opposition scorer to check against.  At the end of the game the scorer will sign the scoresheet thus agreeing to not only the score but that the signatures of the opposition team are correct for team members registered.

It is IMPERATIVE a member of your team stand with the scorer from the opposing team for the duration of the game and score together.  If your team wins the game, your team needs to return the score sheet to the complex.


It is advisable to draw up a roster for families to bring fruit each week and if you choose, to delegate the duties of scoring.

Code of Conduct

Distribute the Code of Conduct agreement to the team and return to the Club BEFORE or by Day 1 of play.  Ensure players and parents adhere to the code of conduct and report to the committee any incidents if necessary.

Wet Weather

In the event of wet weather, notification of the cancellation of play will be posted on the home page of the KNA website.  You can access this from the St Ives Netball home page (click on the Ku ring-gai Netball Association link on the top right hand corner) or go directly to the KNA website

Alternatively wet weather information is available via SMS.  Send a text saying ‘kna’ to 1992 2767. The cost of this service is 55c incl GST per message sent.


If your team has a shortage of players, you are permitted to borrow a player(s) however the guidelines MUST be followed or points will be deducted from your team for failure to comply with the rules.  If you have any uncertainty about which teams you can borrow from you can:

  1. Consult the St Ives and/or KNA websites
  2. Consult a member of the committee
  3. Consult the KNA Junior Registrar at the grounds

The guidelines are strict and may not always seem logical ie. Players cannot be borrowed across a grade, so you must ALWAYS check to see you are borrowing from the correct team.  It is also important to note, a borrowed player may only take the court when a player registered to play in that team is unavailable or injured and unable to continue playing. If you start play with a borrowed player and then a team member arrives late, the borrowed player must leave the court.

The borrowing guidelines are on the KNA website – KNA Borrowing Guidelines


Teams must make every effort to avoid a forfeit and fines, payable by the team, will apply after the first forfeit.

Should you need to forfeit, the Club secretary must advise KNA in writing with a minimum of 24 hours’ notice.  KNA will not accept notice of a forfeit directly from a team. It is the responsibility of KNA to advise the opposition.

What to do if you need to forfeit

Please ensure you have consulted the KNA borrowing guidelines in an attempt to avoid a forfeit.  If your team must forfeit:

  1. Send an email to or no later than Thursday midday before game day. (We need sufficient time to pass this information on.)  These are the only people who can inform KNA of a forfeit.
  2. We will send a return email confirming receipt of your information. If you don’t receive confirmation by 9pm, please call.  (Vice President on 0429 042 205, President on 0467 307 108)
  3. Include in your email:
    1. Team Number
    2. Grade
    3. What attempts you have made to avoid forfeiting
  4. It is your responsibility to ensure that we are aware of your need to forfeit.