Net Set Go – Useful Links

Following is some information for parents who will be umpiring their children’s NetSetGo Games (those played at Lofburg Courts)

  1. NSG Do’s and Don’ts for umpiring (attached PDF) – NetSetGo Do’s Don’ts for 2017
  2. NSG rules: Video demonstrating rules
  3. For the below link: Please watch until 3:45.  After that time, it details umpiring at a higher level and may confuse you as Net Set Go is umpired quite loosely and not to the standard that these players are using.

Video on basic rules of netball

Specific Rules for NetSetGo

  • Match Duration – 4 x 10 minute quarters
  • Goal Post – 2.4m (8ft) in height
  • Ball – Size 4
  • Time to Pass the Ball – 5 seconds
  • Stepping – Shuffling on the spot to regain balance allowed without moving down the court.
  • Defending – Strict “one-on-one” defence. Players may defend a shot at goal.
  • Obstruction – A player must defend from a distance no less than 1.2m (4 ft).
  • Substitutions – The game time should be evenly distributed amongst all players. A team (up to 10 players is recommended) may make unlimited substitutions at intervals or at any time during play.

The procedure for making a substitution during play is:

  • Before entering the Court, the substitute shall tag the player leaving the Court.
  • Both the substitute and the player leaving the Court shall not interfere with the play during the substitution process;
  • Both the substitute and the player leaving the Court shall observe the Offside Rule when leaving or entering the Court.
  • Players should be substituted into either only attack positions or only defence positions for the duration of the game.

Rotating positions

  • Players must experience all positions over the course of the program/season.  KNA have rotation sheets that must be followed.  KNA Rotation Sheets

Centre Pass

  • The initial Centre Pass will be taken by the team that won the toss and all other Centre Passes shall be taken by the team that did not score the last goal.

Awards and Scoring

  • Scores may be kept but no ladder produced. No final matches should be played. Each participant in the competition should be given a memento of participation e.g. a medal.

Application of Sanctions  (updated 18.3.16)

  • For 8 year olds, apply the NSG rules and award the relevant sanction including the transfer of ball possession to the opposition.
  • For 7 year olds, start the year explaining the rule and play on, no transfer of possession of the ball to the opposition. To be reassessed throughout season as to whether to continue or to impose the sanctions. Teams will be advised

KNA NetSetGo Rules

Video on explaining some of these rules

  • This video features two St Ives senior girls mocking some situtions. The general idea is that they are on different teams, one defending the other most of the time. If you have any questions about it please email but otherwise feel free to share or comment on it and please remember the girls did this in their spare time so it’s hardly a Hollywood production. Enjoy!

Video demonstrating rules

Things to remember on game day

  • Remember to sound confident, the children are looking to you to help them learn the rules.
  • You will need a whistle and access to a coin to toss at the commencement of the game.
  • Check the appropriate Size 4 ball is ready for use and toss for first centre pass.
  • Dress code for umpires is not strictly enforced however sensible clothing such as a track suit and appropriate footwear is mandatory.